12 Steps To A Smart Retirement
Step 1 - Money
Preparing for retirement today is complex. That is why we have partnered with retirement psychologists to develop our own 12 Step Program for a Smart Retirement.
Money is the first requirement for a successful retirement. Without a level of financial support, your retirement dreams are unlikely to be achievable.
Our evidence-based philosophy for your retirement savings, guides the way with decades of experience and academic research. We aim to prepare you financially for virtually anything that may happen.
Our experience has also led to understanding that an enjoyable retirement relies upon more than just a financial calculator.
This is why want to know more about you than just your bank balance.
Today’s retiree is seeking a meaningful retirement.
We aim to understand what that lifestyle is, so that it creates context to your money, and what it can do for you.
Our success is measured upon you achieving a better retirement having met us.
Step 2 - Career and Work
You have Six Life Arenas in retirement (Dr.Richard Johnson, Ph.D. 2006).
We have touched upon the first arena, which is managing money. We will explain more how this can be expertly managed in retirement in our Evidence Based Advice page.
Your retirement lifestyle aspirations relates to the next 5 steps. We need you to explain to us what that lifestyle looks like. As part of our advice process, we have retirement tools to assist you in building this vision. This allows us to truly align your money, with your aspirations.
Step 2 – The second life arena is career and work.
We all have different views in regards to work. Some people thrive upon going to work each day, while others can’t wait to relax and play.
Many of today’s retirees are seeing their transition into retirement as a time to start an encore career. This may include volunteer work, consulting, an entire change of career choice as they may have relieved themselves of their money pressures and can start a career afresh.
A study by the Kauffman Institute found that since 1996, people from the ages of 55 to 64 have a higher level of entrepreneurial activity than those aged 20 to 34.
Many modern day retirees are using their experience and knowledge over a lifetime to stay engaged and re-invest in themselves with freedom to do what they want at the time of their own choosing.
As your retirement advisers, this is important for us to understand what your intentions are and how it fits into your retirement income plans.