Re-Nesting the Egg – Australian Over 50’s Living and Lifestyle Guide

David Reed Australian Financial Adviser of the Year 2015 shares his thoughts on “Re-Nesting the Egg” with Australian Over 50’s Living and Lifestyle Magazine. David outlines important factors people should consider when trying to plan out their future finances into their 60’s, 70’s and senior years.

“Retirement can be an exciting phase of life. For most most of our lives we attended work and so we are acutely aware of what we are retiring ‘from’. However, rarely do we give enough time to think about what we are retiring ‘to’. Retirement planning is like a jigsaw. As your future years are going to be very different from the lifetime of work that has passed, you may take some time to really digest the change, before you can properly focus on the objectives for the future.

Read full article here – Aust Over 50’s Guide – Renesting the Egg Article


Aust Over 50's Guide Cover

Re-Nesting the Egg Article – David Reed Australian Financial Adviser of the Year 2015